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Scroll down for access to previous contributions to World Nutrition, from its first issue in May 2010, to its 31st issue last month. This archive also links you to all regular columns from their beginnings, to last month. Currently these are by Claudio Schuftan, Geoffrey Cannon and Reggie Annan, and now also Philip James.
Access pdf of last month's WN editorial here
Access pdf of last month's WN commentary here

19th century direct action. Rudolf Virchow took to the Berlin barricades in 1848 (left), and (right) John Snow inactivates the Broad Street pump in 1854
Last month's WN editorial was about the place of direct action in the service of public health. Two 19th century examples are illustrated by the pictures above. In 1848 Rudolf Virchow, a pathologist who became a founding father of modern epidemiology, took to the barricades in the streets of Berlin (left) as part of the 1848 European revolt of oppressed workers and peasants. His action in defiance of the Prussian armed forces, was in protest against the immiseration and disease suffered by communities in Upper Silesia, whose conditions he had been charged to investigate. The rising was put down, yet its tricolour shown in the picture is now Germany's national flag.
No, it is not OK to be obese
Philip James's column last month was another blockbuster. Studies issued by the US Centers for Disease Control Center for Health Statistics, of which the principal investigator is CDC veteran Katherine Flegal, persistently conclude that it is best to be overweight, and even somewhat obese. Her studies apparently show that 'Compared with people with BMIs between 18.5 and 25.0, which is the World Health Organization range for 'normal' or 'acceptable' body mass, 'overweight' people with BMIs from 25 up to 30 had death rates expressed as 'hazard ratios' of 0.94, which is to say a 6 per cent lower mortality. This was statistically significant. Actually even being 'grade 1 obese' with BMIs of 30 up to 35,had a 'hazard ratio' of 0.95, but this 5 per cent lower rate...was not quite statistically significant in showing a benefit of even being obese.

Amazing data from the US Centers for Disease Control: it seems to be best
to be overweight or perhaps even somewhat obese, as shown in this graphic
'To realise how astounding these findings are, see the graphic above. In numbers, at 32.5 BMI, midway between 30 and 35, a man of 1.80 metres or 5 foot 11, weighs 105 kilograms or 232 pounds (16 stone 8 pounds), and a woman of 1.70 metres or 5 foot 7, weighs 95 kilograms or 207 pounds (14 stone 11 pounds)'.
In a blistering analysis, Philip James shows that these apparently amazing results are an artefact of the most basic type. He says: 'Public health nutritionists with experience and knowledge of real world conditions, most of all outside the most privileged and economically wealthy countries, are liable to feel initially confused and dismayed by inevitably influential paradoxical judgements coming from a US federal government agency'.
He concludes: 'There is I suggest, a great deal to be said for relying on what still remains a pretty transparent and accountable UN system, where the realities and needs of less resourced countries whose people can't afford to be treated for disease for much of their lives are fully taken into account. There is a very worrying tendency for groups, funded particularly in the US either by the government or more recently by multi-billionaires, to assume they should now determine global health as well as global warming and indeed global economic policies. Carefully developed evidence and reliable policies and actions, produced in a global context, are being contradicted by interested parties outside the UN. These either use novel complex approaches which dazzle and bemuse onlookers but may not relate to reality, or else present a narrow view based on very questionable evidence, poor reasoning, and apparent ignorance of what goes on in the wider world'.
The editors
World Nutrition
2013. Volume 4, number 1-2, pages 1-87
February 2013

Cover, masthead, contents
Editorial. Public health nutrition

The case for direct action
Commentary. La Via Campesina

Paul Nicholson
The revolt of the peasantsJanuary 2013

Cover, masthead, contents
Editorial. World Nutrition and world nutrition

Looking back and looking forward
Commentary. World Nutrition and world nutrition

Geoffrey Cannon; Roger Hughes, Roger Shrimpton,
Elisabetta Recine, Barrie Margetts; Jean-Claude Moubarac;
Geof Rayner, Tim Lang; Philip James; Carlos Monteiro;
Enrique Jacoby, Patricia Murillo; Vivica Kraak; Kelly Brownell,
Mark Gold; Harriet Kuhnlein; Juan Rivera,
Sonia Hernández Cordero, Fabio Gomes, Leonardo Garnier,
Cecilia Castillo, Marcela Reyes; Renata Bertazzi Levy, Rafael Claro

The year of 2012. What next?
Correspondence. The Food System
Claudio Schuftan, Geoffrey Cannon
What are we waiting for?2012. Volume 3, numbers 1-12, pages 1-599
December 2012

Cover, masthead, contents
Editorial. The new world disorder

What's happening
Commentary. The Food System. Ultra-processing
Carlos Monteiro, Geoffrey Cannon
Renata Bertazzi Levy, Rafael Claro, Jean-Claude Moubarac

The big issue for nutrition, disease, health, well-being
Commentary. Legislation, Trans fats
Vivica Kraak, Uriyoán Colón-Ramos, Rafael Monge-Rojas

The case for a global ban
Correspondence. Regulation of school food
Nilda Valdez Pérez, Luis Fernando Gómez
Half time: Costa Rica 1, Colombia 0Correspondence. Poverty
Barry Popkin
Hunger fuels profitsCorrespondence. Poverty
James Levinson
Hunger fuels profitsCorrespondence. WHO, GAIN, SUN
Patti Rundall, David Nabarro
Who gains from SUN?November 2012

Cover, masthead, contents
Editorial. The profession of nutrition
Public-public partnershipsCommentaries. Legislation. Children. Obesity
Enrique Jacoby
Juan Rivera, Sonia Hernández Cordera
Fabio Gomes
Leonardo Garnier, Cecilia Castillo, Marcela Reyes

Standing up for children's rights in Latin America
Correspondence. Ultra-processed products. Formula
Ted Greiner
The US is promoting formulaOctober 2012

Cover, masthead, contents
Editorial. The best sources of food

Doing what comes naturally
Commentary. Infant and young child feeding
Thomas Farley, George Kent

Breastfeeding must be protected
Special commentary: Indigenous People's nutrition and environment
Harriet Kuhnlein

Here is the good news
Correspondence. The Food System
Paula Johns, Clarissa Homsi
Big Food, Snack, and TobaccoCorrespondence. Regulation. Trans fats
Ted Greiner
US consumers are deceivedSeptember 2012

Cover, masthead, contents
Editorial. Food addiction

Food on the brain
Commentary. Food addiction
Kelly Brownell, Mark Gold

Also in the mind
Commentary: The Food System. Ultra-processing
Carlos Monteiro, Geoffrey Cannon

Product reformulation will not improve public health
Correspondence. Ultra-processing
Anna Paula Martins
In whose interests?Correspondence. Infant and young child feeding
Ted Greiner
Alcohol in breastmilkAugust 2012

Cover, masthead, contents
Editorial. Governance

Michael Bloomberg and the need for law
Commentary. Food supplies. Trans fats
Vivica Kraak

Government policies and actions to protect citizen health
Commentary: The best food on earth. Peru (2)

Enrique Jacoby, Patricia Murillo
The union of agriculture, gastronomy, nutritionCorrespondence . Government. Obesity
Boyd Swinburn
The Australian exampleCorrespondence. Industry. Processing
Urban Jonsson; Carlos Monteiro, Geoffrey Cannon
Don't knock the food industry; Knock knock, who's there?July 2012

Cover, masthead, contents

Nutrition and nourishment

Enrique Jacoby
The best food on earth. Peru: As good as it getsCommentary
Boyd Swinburn
Obesity. Why governments must actCorrespondence
Elisabeth Sterken
Ultra-processing: Troublesome claims and descriptionsCorrespondence
Reggie Annan
Competencies: We need to work together in AfricaJune 2012

Cover, masthead, contents

What drives global obesity
Carlos Monteiro, Geoffrey Cannon

What are ultra-processed products
Hélène Delisle

Empowering our profession in Africa
Rio2012: What next
The Rio2012 Declaration. IntroductionMay 2012

Cover, masthead, contents
Rio2012: What next.Who do we think we are
Philip James

Rio2012. What next
Coming to judgement
Short communications
Renato Maluf, Fabio Gomes, Sabrina Ionata, Inês Rugani
Asma Ali, Christina Black, Roger Hughes, Nahla Hwalla
Sarah Kehoe, Shiriki Kumanyika, Mark Lawrence, Carlos Monteiro
Jean-Claude Moubarac, Isabela Sattamini, Boyd Swinburn

Rio2012. What next
Looking into the future, what do we see?
Claudio Schuftan, Urban Jonsson
Competence: who for, and where from?April 2012

Cover, masthead, contents

Rio2012: We have lift-off
Geof Rayner, Tim Lang

Our vision: Where do we go?
Short communications
Marion Nestle, Philip James, Reggie Annan, Barrie Margetts
Catherine Geissler, Harriet Kuhnlein, Claudio Schuftan,
Geoffrey Cannon, Agneta Yngve, Barry Popkin, Ricardo Uauy
Urban Jonsson, Geof Rayner, Tim Lang

Looking into the future, what do we see?
Roger Hughes, Roger Shrimpton, Elizabetta Recine, Barrie Margetts
Competence: for what, and so what?Correspondence
Arun Gupta, Claudio Schuftan, Flavio Valente,
Patti Rundall, Radha Holla
Ready-to-use therapeutic food is not the answer to malnutrition
March 2012

Cover, masthead, contents

Making dreams seem real
Jean-Claude Moubarac

The ultra-processing series:
Sexing up ultra-processed products
Claudio Schuftan, Urban Jonsson
Competence: for what, and so what?February 2012

Cover, masthead, contents

What difference we can make
Roger Hughes, Roger Shrimpton,
Elisabetta Recine, Barrie Margetts
Empowering our profession
January 2012

Cover, masthead, contents
Listening to our membersCommentary
Geoffrey Cannon

World Nutrition and World Nutrition
2011. Volume 2, numbers 1-10, pages 1-545
November-December 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
Can the UN stand up for rights, equity, justice?Eulogy
Ruth Oniang'o, Colin Tudge, Olivia Yambi,
Stuart Jeffries, Joseph Kabiru – and Wangari Maathai
Eulogy for Wangari Maathai
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processing:Why bread, hot dogs –
and margarine – are ultra-processed
October 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
Down from the UN NCD summit: The right roadCommentary
George Kent:
Breastfeeding: The need for law and regulationShort communication
Jon Rohde, Arun Gupta, JP Dadhich
Protecting the Global Strategy for breastfeedingCommentary
Carlos Monteiro:
Ultra-processing:The good, the bad, and the toxic
September 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
The UN NCD summit: Oxygen debtCommentary
Philip James:
Up to the Summit: Inglorious pathsCommentary
Barry Popkin, Boyd Swinburn, Camila Giugliani,
Carlos Monteiro, Claudio Schuftan, David Stuckler,
Geoffrey Cannon, Philip James, Ricardo Uauy,
Sabrina Ionata, Walter Willett:
Down from the Summit: So what now
Claudio Schuftan, Fabio Gomes, Geoffrey Cannon
Why be nice to the transnationals?August 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
Things may not be what they seemCommentary
Oliver Gillie
Vitamin D: Let the sun shine on youCommentary
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processingThere is no such thing as a healthy
ultra-processed product
June-July 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
The shape of wars to comeCommentary
Claudio Schuftan
Food price crises:'Free markets' cause inequity and hunger
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processingThe cost and the value of meals
Commentary: update of the 2010 Institute of Medicine report
Shiriki Kumanyika, Christina Economos
Prevention of obesity: Finding the best evidenceMay 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
The lost principle: Eat mealsEulogy for Michael Latham
Annelies Allain, Anthony Kironji, Barrie Margetts, Claudio Schuftan,
Dia Sanou, Geoffrey Cannon, Godwin Ndossi, Joseph Ashong
Katherine Huong, Nwanyinma Nnodum, Olivia Yambi
Reggie Annan, Ted Greiner, Urban Jonsson, Yuliya Tipograf
Eulogy for Michael Latham Commentary
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processingIn praise of the family meal
April 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
It's the beginning of a new ageCommentary
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processingThe hydrogenation bomb
DOHaD position paper
The time to prevent disease is before conceptionCorrespondence: Ultra-processing
Julio MonteroMarch 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
Small is ecologicalCommentary
Thomas Samaras
Reasons to be smallCommentary
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processingLabelling: The Fictions
Correspondence: RUTFs
Patti Rundall Arun Gupta, JP Dadhich, George Kent
RUTFsCorrespondence: Ultra-processing
Lluis Serra-Majem, Carlos Monteiro, Geoffrey Cannon
Ultra-processingFebruary 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
The global game of Big SnackCommentary
Michael Latham, Urban Jonsson, Elisabeth Sterken, George Kent
RUTF stuff: Can the children be saved by fortified peanut paste?Commentary
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processing'Carbs': The answer
Massimo Serventi
RUTFs are not the answer in DarfurJanuary 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
Our first and new yearCommentary
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processing:The riddle of the Great Food Pyramid
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processing:Why bread is ultra-processed
Position paper
Governance, structure of the UN SCN2010. Volume 1, numbers 1-7, pages 1-345
December 2010
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
Nourishing our futurePosition paper
The nature and purpose of the UN SCNCorrespondence
Marion Nestle:
Ultra-processingNovember 2010
Nutrition science: Time to start againCommentary
Carlos Monteiro
Ultra-processing. The big issueOctober 2010
Conferences: What for?Commentary
Keith West, Rolf Klemm, Alfred Sommer
Vitamin A saves lives. Sound evidence, sound policySeptember 2010
Conferences: What for?Commentary
Colothur Gopalan
My life in nutritionJuly - August 2010
Malnutrition. The experts disagreeCommentary
Urban Jonsson
The rise and fall of paradigmsIn world food and nutrition policy
Brian Thompson and Leslie Amoroso, Barbara Burlingame,
Urban Jonsson, Cecilia Florencio
The great vitamin A fiasco
Ala Alwan
Marketing food to children: Are the UN agencies helpless?June 2010
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
The UNSCN. Is it necessary to re-invent it?Editorial
The preservation of the worldCommentary
Harriet Kuhnlein
Here is the good newsCorrespondence
Colothur Gopalan, HPS Sachdev and Umesh Kapil, Soerkirnan and
others, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Keith West and Alfred Sommer,
Malden Nesheim, Vinodini Reddy, Ted Greiner, George Kent, Lois Englberger and Harriet Kuhnlein, Graham Lyons
The great vitamin A fiasco
Alexander Müller, Fabio Gomes
Marketing food to children: Are the UN agencies helpless?May 2010
Cover, masthead, contentsManifesto
Hunger: For what, why, and what to do?Commentary
Michael Latham
The great vitamin A fiascoColumns: Philip James

2013. Volume 4
February 2013

Fat matters
Strange US data
January 2013

Measuring world health
The numbers don't add up
2012. Volume 3
December 2012

What Breadline Britain signifies:
snacks and living for the day
November 2012

Privatisation of public health
The Copenhagen 'consensus' exposed
October 2012
How to reduce salt in the Middle East
Wrestling with policy in Riyadh
September 2012

Why Mexico has got fat
The Coca-Cola republic
August 2012

The transnational's Olympics
Talking about obesity
July 2012

Nutrition and the UN system,
science, agriculture, industry
June 2012
What's special about Rio2012
Nestling with Nestlé in Lyon
May 2012
Welcome to Rio2012
How to achieve equitable societies?
April 2012
Are we prepared to get serious?
Lessons from Athens, Singapore, Jakarta
March 2012
Teaching yes, but about what?
Scientists who push their findings

2013. Volume 4
February 2013

Ideas come first
Good meals defined
January 2013

All my 2012 heroes
The grand vision of nutrition
2012. Volume 3
December 2012

Jose Marti, my hero
We have to talk about Pepsi
November 2012

Rudolf Virchow, my hero
We have to talk about Derek
October 2012

Being alive in Brazil
Causation: second of three riffs
September 2012

Wonderful Brazilian cuisine
Causation: first of three riffs
August 2012

The global breastfeeding network
Don't look down at Queen Elizabeth
July 2012

My hero: MFK Fisher
The triumph of chemistry
June 2012

Rio2012: What next
My gonzo truckstop
May 2012

Christopher Hitchens is a hero
Claudia Roden, the Mediterranean
April 2012

Cokeistan in Acapulco
Tales of the Bovril Two
March 2012

Grazing in Orlando
Fructose: what's the big deal?
February 2012

Why men obsess about big breasts
Why dieting made Lord Byron fat
January 2012

Celebrating Lynn Margulis
Unwrapping sweet secrets
2011. Volume 2
December 2011

What life and death tell us
Good food goes bad
November 2011

Trees, the environment, and nutrition
Be small and get out of tight spots
October 2011

Snake oil can be good stuff
The story of the great food scandal
September 2011

Where the coffee comes from
Genius acts of marketing: a fable
August 2011

What Rupert Murdoch tells us
Making the food-health link
July 2011

What it feels like to be living history
The environmental dimension
June 2011

The disaster of 'development'
Wit and wisdom of JK Galbraith
May 2011

Sports superstars who are short
USAID secrets revealed
April 2011

Hot stuff on trans fats
Learning from Henry James
March 2011

Fundamental and elemental health
Learning from Mark Twain
February 2011

Amazon vision – one of three
The legacy of Glyn Davys
January 2011

Leo Tolstoy on multicausality
Are computers taking us over?
2010. Volume 1
December 2010

Santa the Coke™ salesman
Why learned journals are boring
November 2010

On the trail of the Passivists
How to play Bullshit Bingo
October 2010

Hot gossips from Porto
Are booze and drugs nourishing?
September 2010

Burgers, fries and statin, please
Let's make nutrition sexy
July-August 2010

Are short people 'stunted'?
TNCs. children, the World Cup
June 2010

In praise of electronic publishing
Why Darwin was not a Darwinist
May 2010

Why we need to understand history
Kids are entranced by glamour food
April 2010

Pepsi-Co says it's saving the children
Three score years and ten – is that it?
March 2010

The cult of individualism
Referencing, why?
Columns: Claudio Schuftan

2013. Volume 4
February 2013

My hero Derrick Jelliffe
Food aid... Up to a point...
January 2013

My Vietnam: fish sauce and durian
Nutrition won the Vietnam war
2012. Volume 3
December 2012

My brush with death.
In praise of Jean Ziegler
November 2012

People-driven justice and equity
I have some questions for us
October 2012

My inspirations include
Nadine Gordimer, Isabel Allende
September 2012

The human right to food
My hero, Olivier de Schutter
August 2012

The People's Health Assembly
Toi toi, and Amandla!
July 2012

More on Rio2012
For whom does SUN rise?
June 2012

Rio2012: What next
We need a new 300
May 2012

I am the honorary consul
What I bring to Rio 2012
April 2012

My time in Congo-Kinshasa:
How communities can lift themselves
March 2012

My hero, Cicely Williams
Poverty is the cause of malnutrition
February 2012

What to do in an unfair world
Charity versus rights
January 2012

My move to California
Whose place in the SUN?
2011. Volume 2
December 2011

What is 'sustainable development'?
What we learn from Occupy
November 2011

Report on Social Determinants
The long road to democracy
October 2011

Empowering communities
Steps towards real democracy
September 2011

The people are moving in LA
New philanthropy: What goes down
August 2011

The SUN rises, alas
Claudio's new clarion call
July 2011

The SUN rises, alas
Claudio's new clarion call
June 2011

Letter to a young nutritionist:
Fight to stay with your vision
May 2011

Remember protein and energy
Forget silver bullets
April 2011

Report from the PHM in Dakar
Brace up, comrades!
March 2011

The People's Health Movement
WHO – in whose interests?
February 2011

Halfdan Mahler's vision
The key: primary health care
January 2011

What Eduardo Galeano tells us
Nutritionists of the world, unite!
2010. Volume 1
December 2010
My letter from Ouagadougou
The fight for global equity
October 2010
21 reasons why MDGs can't work
Structural reasons for world poverty
September 2010
The human right to nutrition
Problems with the medical model
July-August 2010
Neoliberalism? You're on your own
Up the Peoples Health Movement!
Columns: Reggie Annan

2013. Volume 4
January - February 2013

What is his future?
Nutritionists as advocates
2012. Volume 3
November - December 2012

Address by Anna Lartey of IUNS
Scaling up Africa's nutrition landscape
August - October 2012

Nutritionists as advocates
African Coca-colonisation
July 2012

African young leaders
The difference that we make
June 2012

Rio2012: What next
Why obesity and NCDs increase
May 2012

More vision for Rio2012
Africa's triple burden
April 2012

International Women's Day
In Ghana, Morocco, Malawi, Cameroon
March 2012

Death at birth (2)
What UNICEF is doing
January, February 2012

Death at birth
Round-up of 2011
2011. Volume 2
November, December 2011
More on FANUS
The fruits of Africa
September, October 2011
Inspiration from FANUS
Africa needs its own solutions
July 2011
Nutrition and AIDS in Africa
Protecting mothers and children
June 2011
No column in June
May 2011
Young African leaders
Testimonies for a new era
April 2011
Taboos like where I come from
Inspiration from Uganda
March 2011
West African diversity
Me and Dr Nkrumah
February 2011
Report from Namibia
Testimony from Uganda
January 2011
I continue to speak for Africa
Building competence and capacity
2010. Volume 1
December 2010
African nutritionists are uniting
Thanks, Hillary Rodham Clinton
November 2010
We must not fail Africa now
World class learning in Kenya
October 2010
A new African nutrition society
MDGs: looking on the bright side
September 2010
Honouring Nelson Mandela
MDGs: Just a dream in Africa?
July-August 2010
African malnutrition: UNICEF's
Nutrition emergencies: RUTF stuff
June 2010
The deep reasons for malnutrition
What can be done in emergencies
May 2010
Building capacity in Africa
Plumpy'nut politicking
April 2010
Inspiring young leaders in the field
The politics of severe malnutrition
Columns: Fabio Gomes

(Column ceased in June 2011)
2011. Volume 2
June 2011
China gets burgered
Joke of the month: Meat water
May 2011
Junk food: colour it delicious
Gross Shrek tells UK kids to jog
April 2011
Retiring Ronald McDonald
Shampoo you can drink
March 2011
Fruit and froot – spot the difference
It's back! Safe water on tap
February 2011
I promise you poems and song
Industry codes: don't believe a word
January 2011
Enjoy! My message for 2011
Here is the bad – and good - news
2010. Volume 1
December 2010
The fight to regulate junk ads
Bottled water: a joke on you
November 2010
Why do we tout soft drinks?
Brazil battles for health
October 2010
Why it's best to eat fruits in season
Candid camera: what agronomists eat
September 2010
My enjoyment of real fun food
Vitaminwater™: in the dock?
July-August 2010
The human right to good food
More on processed food and tobacco
June 2010
Tales from my father
Nestlé wants to own our water
May 2010
World Urban Forum report
Raining on Rio – the meaning for us
April 2010
Can soft drinks be like cigarettes?
Advertising to children: latest news
March 2010
Public health law. Pepsi and PepsiCo
Taxing soft drinks – a good idea!