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Rio awaits you. After your work: Ipanema beach and its fabulous vista (left);
reflections of new and old architecture (centre); and nightlife in Lapa (right)
Rio2012 is progressing its preparation, every week, every day. Come and be delighted and transformed. As from June our congress has been open for registration, and as from July it has been open for submission of abstracts. For full up-to-date details please access the dedicated website. When you are registering and making arrangements for your trip, plan to stay a while or a week or more longer, before or – we suggest – after the congress. Rio has the best city beaches in the world, stunning contrasts of old and new architecture, great restaurants and galleries, a world-famous botanical garden, the biggest forest in the world that is contained within a city, a vibrant nightlife – and colleagues ready to become your friends.
This resource here is where you access previous main contributions to our website and to World Nutrition. This is the fourteenth regular monthly issue of the website, and the twelth issue of WN. Some features, like the Association’s Aims and objectives, how to apply to become an Association member, and Members’ profiles, are permanently posted on the website.
Other contributions, as those in WN, 'In this issue', news, articles, commentaries, and regular columns/ blogs, are renewed every month. Generally these have a facility for responses and discussions, available only for that month. News items are usually not saved. After the month of issue all the contributions to WN, and the regular columns/blogs, and some other major contributions, are usually available permanently in this previous issues section.
World Nutrition
June-July 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
The shape of wars to comeCommentary
Claudio Schuftan:Food price crises:
'Free markets' cause inequity and hunger
Carlos Monteiro:Ultra-processing
The cost and the value of meals
Commentary: update of the 2010 Institute of Medicine report
Shiriki Kumanyika, Christina EconomosPrevention of obesity: Finding the best evidence
May 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
The lost principle: Eat mealsEulogy for Michael Latham
Annelies Allain, Anthony Kironji, Barrie Margetts, Claudio Schuftan,Dia Sanou, Geoffrey Cannon, Godwin Ndossi, Joseph Ashong
Katherine Huong, Nwanyinma Nnodum, Olivia Yambi
Reggie Annan, Ted Greiner, Urban Jonsson, Yuliya Tipograf
Carlos Monteiro:Ultra-processing
In praise of the family meal
April 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
It's the beginning of a new ageCommentary
Carlos Monteiro:Ultra-processing
The hydrogenation bomb
DOHaD position paper
The time to prevent disease is before conceptionCorrespondence: Ultra-processing
Julio MonteroMarch 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
Small is ecologicalCommentary
Thomas SamarasReasons to be small
Carlos Monteiro:Ultra-processing
Labelling: The Fictions
Correspondence: RUTFs
Patti RundallArun Gupta, JP Dadhich
George Kent
Correspondence: Ultra-processing
Lluis Serra-MajemCarlos Monteiro
Geoffrey Cannon
February 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
The global game of Big SnackCommentary
Michael Latham, Urban Jonsson, Elisabeth Sterken, George KentRUTF stuff: Can the children be saved with fortified peanut paste?
Carlos Monteiro:Ultra-processing
'Carbs': The answer
Massimo Serventi:RUTFs are not the answer in Darfur
January 2011
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
Our first and new yearCommentary
Carlos Monteiroultra-processing:
The riddle of the Great Food Pyramid
Carlos Monteiroultra-processing:
Why bread is ultra-processed
Position paper
Governance, structure of the UN SCNDecember 2010
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
Nourishing our futurePosition paper
The nature and purpose of the UN SCNCorrespondence
Marion Nestle:ultra-processing
November 2010
Nutrition science: Time to start againCommentary
Carlos Monteiro on ultra-processingThe big issue
October 2010
Conferences: What for?Commentary
Keith West, Rolf Klemm, Alfred SommerVitamin A saves lives. Sound evidence, sound policy
September 2010
Conferences: What for?Commentary
Colothur GopalanMy life in nutrition
Malnutrition. The experts disagreeCommentary
Urban Jonsson. The rise and fall of paradigmsIn world food and nutrition policy
Brian Thompson and Leslie Amoroso, Barbara Burlingame,Urban Jonsson, Cecilia Florencio:
The great vitamin A fiasco
Ala Alwan:
Marketing food to children: Are the UN agencies helpless?
June 2010
Cover, masthead, contentsEditorial
The UNSCN. Is it necessary to re-invent it?Editorial
The preservation of the worldCommentary
Harriet Kuhnlein. Here is the good newsCorrespondence
Colothur Gopalan, HPS Sachdev and Umesh Kapil, Soerkirnan andothers, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Keith West and Alfred Sommer,
Malden Nesheim, Vinodini Reddy, Ted Greiner, George Kent, Lois Englberger and Harriet Kuhnlein, Graham Lyons: The great vitamin A fiasco
Alexander Müller, Fabio GomesMarketing food to children: Are the UN agencies helpless?
May 2010
Cover, masthead, contentsManifesto
Hunger: For what, why, and what to do?Commentary
Michael LathamThe great vitamin A fiasco
Commentaries, editorials (not WN)
May 2010
Marketing food products to children:Are the UN agencies helpless?
April 2010
Seeing the big public health pictureMarch 2010
The nature of public health nutritionWhat is our mission now?
March 2010
Fundamental and elemental public healthThis month / President's letter
July 2011
The environmental dimensionJune 2011
The poetry and the politics of nutritionMay 2011
In praise of shared mealsApril 2011
Nothing worthwhile is easyMarch 2011
Commitments and causesFebruary 2011
Building our houseJanuary 2011
Interesting new yearDecember 2010
Whoosh!Novemeber 2010
Africa. It is time to be fairOctober 2010
New term resolutionsSeptember 2010
Mountains to climbJuly-August 2010
Doing good jobs wellJune 2010
Telling it like it isMay 2010
Life is a journeyApril 2010
Questions of balanceMarch 2010
Here we are againEvents: Rio 2012
July 2011
Abstract submission is openJune 2011
Job done! Registration is openJune 2011
The programme structure is fixedJune 2011
Purpose and principlesJune 2011
Our spirals: what they meanMay 2011
Meet the key organisersApril 2011
After Obama, usMarch 2011
Rio2012: The movieFebruary 2011
Preliminary programmeSeptember 2010
Rio 2012: The countdown begins nowApril 2010
And the winner is... Rio!Columns / blogs Claudio Schuftan
July 2011
The SUN rises, alas
Claudio's new clarion call
June 2011
Letter to a young nutritionist:
Fight to stay with your vision
May 2011
Remember protein and energy
Forget silver bullets
April 2011
Report from the PHM in Dakar
Brace up, comrades!
March 2011
The People's Health Movement
WHO – in whose interests?
February 2011
Halfdan Mahler's vision
The key: primary health care
January 2011
What Eduardo Galeano tells us
Nutritionists of the world, unite!
December 2010
My letter from Ouagadougou
The fight for global equity
October 2010
21 reasons why MDGs can't work
Structural reasons for world poverty
September 2010
The human right to nutrition
Problems with the medical model
July-August 2010
Neoliberalism? You're on your own
Up the Peoples Health Movement!
Columns / blogs Fabio Gomes
July 2011
(Column ceased in June)
June 2011
China gets burgered
Joke of the month: Meat water
May 2011
Junk food: colour it delicious
Gross Shrek tells UK kids to jog
April 2011
Retiring Ronald McDonald
Shampoo you can drink
March 2011
Fruit and froot – spot the difference
It's back! Safe water on tap
February 2011
I promise you poems and song
Industry codes: don't believe a word
January 2011
Enjoy! My message for 2011
Here is the bad – and good - news
December 2010
The fight to regulate junk ads
Bottled water: a joke on you
November 2010
Why do we tout soft drinks?
Brazil battles for health
October 2010
Why it's best to eat fruits in season
Candid camera: what agronomists eat
September 2010
My enjoyment of real fun food
Vitaminwater™: in the dock?
July-August 2010
The human right to good food
More on processed food and tobacco
June 2010
Tales from my father
Nestlé wants to own our water
May 2010
World Urban Forum report
Raining on Rio – the meaning for us
April 2010
Can soft drinks be like cigarettes?
Advertising to children: latest news
March 2010
Public health law. Pepsi and PepsiCo
Taxing soft drinks – a good idea!
Columns / blogs Geoffrey Cannon
July 2011
What it feels like to be living history
The environmental dimension
June 2011
The disaster of 'development'
Wit and wisdom of JK Galbraith
May 2011
Sports superstars who are short
USAID secrets revealed
April 2011
Hot stuff on trans fats
Learning from Henry James
March 2011
Fundamental and elemental health
Learning from Mark Twain
February 2011
Amazon vision – one of three
The legacy of Glyn Davys
January 2011
Leo Tolstoy on multicausality
Are computers taking us over?
December 2010
Santa the Coke™ salesman
Why learned journals are boring
November 2010
On the trail of the Passivists
How to play Bullshit Bingo
October 2010
Hot gossips from Porto
Are booze and drugs nourishing?
September 2010
Burgers, fries and statin, please
Let's make nutrition sexy
July-August 2010
Are short people 'stunted'?
TNCs. children, the World Cup
June 2010
In praise of electronic publishing
Why Darwin was not a Darwinist
May 2010
Why we need to understand history
Kids are entranced by glamour food
April 2010
Pepsi-Co says it's saving the children
Three score years and ten – is that it?
March 2010
The cult of individualism
Referencing, why?
Columns / blogs Reggie Annan
July 2011
Nutrition and AIDS in Africa
Protecting mothers and children
June 2011
No column in June
May 2011
Young African leaders
Testimonies for a new era
April 2011
Taboos like where I come from
Inspiration from Uganda
March 2011
West African diversity
Me and Dr Nkrumah
February 2011
Report from Namibia
Testimony from Uganda
January 2011
I continue to speak for Africa
Building competence and capacity
December 2010
African nutritionists are uniting
Thanks, Hillary Rodham Clinton
November 2010
We must not fail Africa now
World class learning in Kenya
October 2010
A new African nutrition society
MDGs: looking on the bright side
September 2010
Honouring Nelson Mandela
MDGs: Just a dream in Africa?
July-August 2010
African malnutrition: UNICEF's
Nutrition emergencies: RUTF stuff
June 2010
The deep reasons for malnutrition
What can be done in emergencies
May 2010
Building capacity in Africa
Plumpy'nut politicking
April 2010
Inspiring young leaders in the field
The politics of severe malnutrition