Sources of Nutrition Information Used by Tennis Trainee Athletes at the University of Limpopo in Limpopo Province, South Africa: A Descriptive Study
The dietary intake of tennis athletes training at the University of Limpopo (UL) were reported to be suboptimal. However, the nutrition information sources guiding these athletes remain unknown.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out to purposively obtain 30 registered UL-affiliated tennis team athletes. Data were collected at the UL tennis courts. Demographic data and information sources used for sport nutrition were collected using self-designed questionnaires in English.
The mean age of the athletes was 20.3±1.1 years. All were registered students at UL. All male athletes (100%) and 92.2% of females were single. More than half of the males (n=9; 56.2%) and many females (n=5; 35.7%) had participated in tennis for 1 – 2 years at UL. Most participated in tennis 3 – 6 times a week, for 1 – 2 hours per day. Most males (n=8; 50%) and females (n=7; 50%) obtained nutrition information from social media followed in both cases by a coach (43%). Of those who used social media, most males (n=3; 37%) and females (n=7; 43%) used Instagram, followed by Facebook (males, n=3; 37% versus females, n=2; 28%). Tik-Tok and YouTube were hardly ever used. However, none of the athletes had ever consulted a nutrition professional such as a dietitian for nutrition information.
Social media, particularly Instagram, was the most used source of information by our sample of tennis athletes at the University of Limpopo.

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