Column: Here I Stand
The Keynes of all times, and other stories
WN editor Geoffrey Cannon writes: My hero in this issue is John Maynard Keynes, who a century ago gave clues to just how ominous world prospects are now. Then I ruminate on the overuse and abuse of the word 'we', as in 'Yes, we can', or 'We need to tackle the challenge of epidemic obesity'. Who are 'we'? Then some shocks of recognition. In the UK an official report on diet and health has been suppressed. In the UK and Mexico militant health professionals have succeeded in pressing for a continued tax on soda (sugared soft drinks). Plus the new horror stories that have whizzed round the world, projected in the picture above, about burgers, chorizo, ham, sausages, and also beef, pork and lamb, as causes of cancer. These stories derive from a United Nations agency monograph that has not yet been published! This gets me to reminiscence about my own part in such events, played long ago.

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