Elections. Executive Committee
There is still room for you

Barrie Margetts writes: Two of the posts on our governing body, the Executive Committee, we have yet to fill are General Secretary, and Conferences Secretary. These positions will be filled by co-option, and any fully paid-up Association member can apply to be considered now. If you are interested in either post and would like to discuss this further, do please get in touch with me by way of wphnasecretariat@gmail.com
Here are the details. To apply please Download the application form here and send it to wphnasecretariat@gmail.com

The application schedule is as follows:
1 December -15 January | Time for applications |
15 January-early February | Scrutiny |
February | Decision by Executive Committee |
March | Co-opted members first attend Executive Committee |

Posts on the Executive Committee: general requirements
Executive Committee members are expected to be team leaders and as such, convenors of sub-committees in their areas of work. These may take the form of task forces reporting on specific issues. As such, they will identify a deputy who will stand in for them as needs arise. They will also identify and as appropriate train other team members to carry out specific tasks in their areas of work.
All Executive Committee members are expected to promote the Association and its work whenever they can; to recruit new members and retain existing members; when possible and appropriate to form regional groups of members; to propose ideas, contacts and contributions to the Association's website and to World Nutrition; and to play an active part in progressing the Association's strategic plan.
Executive Committee members should expect to be engaged in Association work on average for at least half a day or four hours a week. There will be periods of intense work including unsocial hours. Some posts demand more time, at least until teams are built up and work shared. Any elected member who is unable to progress required work over a reasonable period of time, will be asked to stand down or else to accept a less demanding position.
The Executive Committee meets by telephone conference, every two months. All members are asked to read meeting agenda papers, prepare papers on request, attend meetings, and take note of and follow Committee agreements as noted.
Responsibilities of the Committee as a whole
As the governing body of the Association, the Executive Committee is responsible for all aspects of its work. These include the soundness of its administration and finance, and the progress of its strategic plan. Specific tasks are delegated to Committee members as specified below.
Alternate President, and co-options
The Committee as a whole is responsible for nominating one of its members as Alternate President, who will act as President as needs arise. The Committee will also co-opted people as members to fill posts not filled by election, to convene projects, or for other purposes.
Members all have specific tasks with front-line responsibilities, subject to the two-monthly Executive Committee discussions and agreements. Members are expected to present written reports on their work to the Executive Committee usually every six months, and substantial reports as required from time to time and to General Assemblies of Association members.
Posts on the Executive Committee: vacancies and specific requirements
The following two posts are now open for co-option by the Executive Committee, following applications from paid-up members:
General Secretary
Administers the Association (other than financial affairs) and its formal documents, including its statutes and its annual report and accounts. Convenes the Executive Committee and the Advisory Council, and is responsible for their agenda, agenda papers and notes. Takes responsibility between meetings for progression of strategic plan. Convenes general meetings of Association members. Supervises elections.
Conferences Secretary
Oversees conferences for which the Association has sole or shared responsibility. These especially include the Delhi2016 conference to be held in partnership with the Public Health Foundation of India and the Indian Nutrition Society. Ensures with the Treasurer that conferences generate a surplus of funds. Oversees process of agreeing local partners and convenes organising committees in liaison with partners.