Social media
Now we are more on-line than ever

A new service for Association members and visitors to our site begins now
As of this month we are more interactive than ever, on Facebook and Twitter
Sabrina Ionata reports: We are now on Facebook and Twitter. This gives us the opportunity to share more news about our work. The facility can be only as useful as you make it. For the key word is sharing. The team here will originate some news and information, but our social media are for you, our members and visitors. You can also share with us news and information, and give us feedback on our activities. Follow us on Twitter, to get to know the latest updates on the Association's work and nutrition news. Join our page on Facebook. There you will get to know more about the preparation for our Rio2012 congress, and much much more.

There's a whole lot of social media landscape out there, as you can see from the diagram above. We are starting with Facebook and Twitter. Please advise us of other media you find specially useful, and also of ways to maximise the value of the social media we are now using.
Now, we will be able to respond to you much more promptly, and be in touch directly. You will be able to contact one another and share information about congresses, meetings, initiatives, and anything else that you think we and others will want to know. Please don't be shy, we are here to support you – especially if you are living and working in a less-resourced part of the world. The facility is also for telling us how you can support the Association and help us to do better.
Geoffrey Cannon, publications secretary, comments: Of all the diagrams on the web giving an impression of social media I best like this one below – except why are the Americas in the dark? I like it for two reasons. First, because it shows in a fun way that the future is with people who are now young, and that the task of older people (yes, like me!) includes thinking beyond their own lifetimes. Second, because there is no sense of 'us communicating with you' (let alone telling you what to do). We are all in this together. That's what our website and also our journal World Nutrition are all about. Hooray for social media, and congratulations to the Association team co-ordinated by Sabrina who are making it all happen.

Barrie Margetts, Association president, adds: This is a big step forward in our work, made possible by Sabrina and her team. We are a global professional organisation, not of other organisations, but of people – public health nutrition professionals, and others who are sympathetic with or committed to our cause.
As somebody who is privileged to be able to work for the benefit of communities in South Africa and India, I'd like to make two special points. One is that electronic communication, now including social media, makes it possible as never before, to build capacity in least resourced countries and to empower colleagues who live and work there. Two is that we need more members to commit themselves to support us in our work on their behalf. We are particularly keen to find members who will create networks to support all the other members – and potential members – in their region. If you are prepared to lend a hand, please respond below and we can then agree with you what work we can best do together.