Our Work

The World Public Health Nutrition Association.

Our Work

Membership of the World Public Health Nutrition Association is open to any individual or organisation who supports, and is commits to, the aims and purpose of the Association. The Association also provides a professional certification scheme for individual members who demonstrate achievement of professional competencies towork in public health nutrition.

Our members form a global network and have created a dynamic forum to exchange views to support each other in our work. We welcome members at all stages in their careers, and from all parts of the world.


  • Advocate at local, national, and international level to promote our purpose.
  • Provide leadership and scholarship to strengthen the evidence base for effective action.
  • Work to strengthen the capacity for action by working with partners to build the system and structure in which a well-trained workforce can operate. That includes:
    • leading on workforce development in public health nutrition;
    • running a professional certification scheme to assure competence and quality in public health nutrition practice; and
    • promoting a course accreditation to assure the quality of training.
  • Work with partners to support the effective development and delivery of policies and programmes that will promote better public health nutrition. Provide a forum for the discussion by running:
    • an active website and newsletter;
    • an international journal devoted to evidence-based discussion and debate;
    • meetings, conferences and other related activities.

We affirm that good health is a human right, and we follow ethical principles, including those of transparency, equity and respect.

If you want to help us achieve our aims, become an active member.

Our overall purpose is to bring together people with a common interest in promoting and improving public health nutrition and to be a professional voice for public health nutrition internationally. We do that in order to:

  • further the mission of public health nutrition, to prevent disease, and to promote well-being;
  • build our professional capacity and to represent the interests of our and allied professions.

We recognise that better global well being will only be achieved by working in partnership with those committed to a population approach to the prevention of problems before they arise. With our members, we encourage policy-makers and decision takers, at all levels from global to local, to promote equitable and sustainable access to adequate, enjoyable, appropriate and nourishing food. This is essential for population health and well-being, and also for social, cultural and economic integrity, and to conserve the living and physical world.

As professionals, we need to be trained, mentored and supported throughout our careers. We work to ensure a well trained, resourced and organised profession, aware of the environmental, social, political and economic as well as the biological and personal determinants of disease, health and well-being, and what these imply for research, advocacy, policy, and action.

We are also committed to advocacy and action reliably based on evidence and protection of human rights. We work to ensure that in all possible circumstances, adequate nourishing food is available to and affordable by all.

The rules for governance of the association are outlined in th WPHNA Constitution.

The bodies of the Association are the Membership, the Executive Committee (EC) and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

The Membership is the ultimate decision-making body of the Association, working through Special Interest Groups and consulted via surveys and webinars on key issues. Our members are from all continents and are committed to progressing with our mission.

The Executive Committee is composed of Association members elected by popular vote. Elected EC members exercise day-to-day responsibility for the work of the Association, with each EC member responsible for one core area of activity, as well as collectively being responsible for implementing the Annual Work Plan, then decisions of the EC and upholding the Constitution.

Each member of the EC is elected with a specific secretarial role as outline below. They are assisted by one or more Deputy Secretaries and member volunteers who express interest in joining the Secretariat Team.

President (2017 – present)

Margaret Miller
[Photo of Margaret Miller]

Current EC members:

General Secretary



Regina Keith
Regina Keith

External Affairs Secretary

Claudio Schuftan Deputy: Maria Alvim
Claudio Schuftan [Photograph of Maria Alvim]

Membership Secretary

Sara Garduño Díaz Deputy: Ella Parnell Harrison
Photo Sara Garduno Diaz [Photo of Ella Parnell Harrison]

Regional Secretary

Prof Mbhenyane Xikombiso

(Africa Region)

Duputy: Arezoo Rezazadeh

(Asia Region)

Mbhenyabe Picture on Arezoo Rezazadeh

Events Secretary


Communications Secretary

Sofía Rincón Gallardo Patiño Carmen Levis Christian Torres Deputy: Margarita Otera Alvarez
Sofia Rincon Gallardo picture of Carmen Gorlick Photo of Christian Torres  

Policy Secretary

Angela Carriedo Deputy: Elizabeth Sterken
Photo of Angela Carriedo  

Professional Affairs Secretary

Libby Swanepoel 

Libby Swanepoel

Publications Secretary

Ted Greiner Deputy: Ye Ji Back 
Ted Greiner Photo of Ye Ji Back


Early Career Secretary

Dr. Swati Jain

Deputy: Miranda Hendry
Swati Jain [Photo of Miranda Hendry]

Volunteer Coordinator

Prof Wan Manan

Photo of Wan Manan


Conflict of Interests Committee

The Conflict of Interests Committee and COI support members are integrated by members who applied for the position and were selected by the EC and by members of the EC unanimously selected by the Executive Committee.  They are responsible for evaluating COI cases submitted, to update and discuss the COI policy of the association, of our conference and all our statements on this regard.

EC Members:

Claudio Shuftan, Margaret Miller, Angela Carriedo

WPHNA Members: 

Mélissa Mialon Camila Maranha
Melissa Camila

COI Support Members:

Dennis Odwe Alda Alvin
Deniss Alda


Website and Social Media

Website and social media
Sofía Rincón Gallardo Patiño, Carmen Levis, Christian Torres, Margarita Otera Alvarez & Ella Parnell Harrison.


World Nutrition Journal

Publishing and editorial board
Ted Greiner (Editor in Chief), Ye Ji Back (Assistant editor)

WPHNA was created at a critical time in history, when the need for collective action in the public interest is most urgent and pressing in order to promote and strengthen public health nutrition, as a profession and discipline with responsibility to understand, protect and improve nutrition-related population health and well-being.

The need for the Association was agreed at the first World Public Health Nutrition Congress held in Barcelona in 2006, when the first one hundred founder members from forty countries were nominated.

Formally incorporated and inaugurated in May 2008, the Association is currently a registered charity in the United Kingdom, and is affiliated with the International Union of Nutritional Sciences.

Our former governing body, the Association Council, was composed of:

Former President


Fabio Gomes

(2008 – 2015)
Barrie Margetts

Former Council Members (2008 – 2012)
Agneta Yngve
Carlos Monteiro
Fabio Gomes
Geoffrey Cannon
Harriet Kuhnlein
Maria Daniel Vaz de Almeida
Mark Lawrence
Nahla Hwalla
Philip James
Reggie Annan
Roger Hughes
Roger Shrimpton
Sabrina Ionata Granheim
Urban Jonsson



SID is an international network of individuals and organizations founded in 1957 to promote participative, pluralistic and sustainable development. Through locally-driven programmes and activities, SID strengthens collective empowerment, facilitates dialogue and knowledge-sharing on people-centered development strategies, and promotes policy change towards inclusiveness, equity and sustainability. SID has over 3,000 members, and works with local chapters and partner organizations in more than 50 countries, involving academia, parliamentarians, students, political leaders and development experts, both at local and international level. The journal Development is SID’s flagship publication and has been published continuously for 60 years. It enjoys a broad readership within the development community and is published by Palgrave Macmillan on behalf of SID. The day-to-day activities of SID are facilitated internationally by a Secretariat which has offices in Dar es-Salaam, Nairobi and Rome.

Website: http://www.sidint.net



The UNSCN is a dedicated platform where UN agencies can have an open, substantive and constructive dialogue on nutrition strategies and initiatives. It is also a place where UN agencies can design joint global approaches, and align their positions and actions when addressing the multi-faceted and evolving nutrition challenges as they arise. As an established and respected forum for facilitating dialogue, UNSCN is well placed to act as a catalyst for sharing their knowledge, best practice and cutting edge information, among its members and with other stakeholders.

Website: https://www.unscn.org


WABA logo


WABA is the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Association.  The association´s mission is "to promote and support breastfeeding worldwide in the framework of the Innocent DEclarations and the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Feeding through  networking and facilitating collaborative efforts in social mobilisation, advocacy, information, dissemination, and capacity building."  We have been working with WABA for many years in our efforts to promote breastfeeding and advocate for policies, programs and movements that support mothers and babies to achieve adequate conditions for practicing breastfeeding.

Website: https://waba.org.my/